Psoriasis Hand

Common Psoriasis Triggers and What to Do About Them

Psoriasis is a skin disorder that often flares up due to certain triggers. Getting a diagnosis of psoriasis is just the start of a patient’s journey. This chronic problem can cause the formation of scaley patches on the skin that can be itchy and uncomfortable. By understanding one’s specific triggers, patients who have been diagnosed with psoriasis will have the opportunity to successfully manage the issue and enjoy relief. At Plantation Dermatology, we understand how important it is to reduce the number of flareups in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and take the time to educate patients on possible triggers.

What are some common psoriasis triggers?

Triggers are different for many patients, but here are some of the most common triggers seen in patients who visit Plantation Dermatology:

  • High levels of stress
  • Allergies
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Cold and dry weather
  • Tattoos on the skin
  • Certain medications
  • Infections
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Hormones

Pinpointing triggers with the help of a dermatologist is the best way to narrow down your specific issues. For patients who are still determining their triggers, our team at Plantation Dermatology will ask the patient to keep a diary or log of what they are doing and how their psoriasis reacts. Bringing this information to the doctor for one’s next appointment will help in finding the links and getting a definitive idea as to the worst triggers for flareups.

What can I do to manage my psoriasis?

The first step in reducing psoriasis is to pay close attention to one’s unique triggers. By avoiding triggers, or managing triggers, patients can keep the condition from flaring up and causing extreme discomfort. Additionally, patients will want to ask their dermatologist about certain topical and oral medication products that can be used to minimize issues when spots do develop. Our team can evaluate a patient to determine the type of psoriasis present and make recommendations as to the best self-care plan at home for the individual.

Request an appointment today

If you have been diagnosed with psoriasis and want to speak to the team at Plantation Dermatology about management options, call our office today! We are open to new and existing patients in the community seeking comprehensive dermatological care, including medical, general, and cosmetic dermatology.

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